Total Minimum Credits: 62
* BIO 101, BIO 102, CHM 111, CHM 112, Geology 105. Geology 106, or PHY 201, PHY 202. Check with your advisor.
** Mathematics requirements may vary greatly from one transfer institution to another. Check with your advisor or transfer institution for proper mathematics courses to be taken. Most business schools at four-year universities will require at least MTH 161 or MTH 261. Business Elective can be used for math pre-requisite if needed for higher math classes.
***Humanities/Fine Arts Electives: ART 101, ART 102, ENG 241, ENG 242, ENG 243, ENG 244, MUS 121, MUS 122, PHI 101, REL 100, REL 230.
****Business Elective: Choose from BUS 200, BUS 280, ITE 140, MKT 201, OR MTH elective.