2021-2022 Catalog 
    Feb 14, 2025  
2021-2022 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Obligations - Hold on Student Records

Obligations to the College usually prevent a student from registering for courses, receiving their degree, diploma, or certificate (if graduating), and/or receiving a copy of grades or transcripts (VCCS Policy Manual, Sec. The Business Office currently enters the appropriate obligation code for students obtaining short-term loans, returned checks, and other student debt to the College. Student loan co-signers and recipients are not obligated until the loan is due.

Letters of notification of obligation are sent to the students from the office of origin. Student debts to clubs are not treated as obligations to the College.

The personnel in the office of origin shall be responsible for follow-up contact with the student (or co-signer) if the obligation is still owed one month after the initial notification to the student concerning the obligation. Co-signers for short-term loans are also considered to be obligated to the College when the debt is due, until such time when the debt is paid. Correspondence concerning any follow-up contact should be forwarded to the Business Office, for inclusion with the Notice of Obligation.

Set-Off Debt Collection

The Business Office forwards a listing of persons with obligations to the College to the State Tax System Office for collection through the STARS System set-off debt collection process which captures any tax refunds or lottery winnings for persons who owe debts to state institutions.

Student Financial Aid Satisfactory Progress Standards at Southwest Virginia Community College

Federal regulations require that a student receiving federal financial aid make satisfactory academic progress in accordance with the standards set by Southwest and the federal government. These limitations include all terms of enrollment, whether or not aid was awarded or received. At Southwest Virginia Community College (Southwest), Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) standards apply also to non-federal aid, including state funds. Progress is measured throughout the academic program by the student’s cumulative grade point average (Qualitative) and by credits earned as a percentage of those attempted (Quantitative or Pace of Completion). In addition, students must complete their programs of study before attempting 150% of the credits required to complete the program. The College Financial Aid Office will evaluate satisfactory academic progress before aid is awarded and again after most grades are posted for every term, starting with the first term of enrollment. Some career studies certificate programs are ineligible for student financial aid, but those credits will be counted toward all SAP requirements (GPA, Completion Rate, Maximum Timeframe, and Developmental Maximum) if the student later enrolls in an eligible program.