Good Standing
A student is considered to be in “good academic standing” if they maintains a semester minimum GPA of 2.00, is eligible to re-enroll at the College and is not on academic suspension or dismissal status.
Academic standing is not reflected on official transcripts, but is recorded on the student record with Southwest Virginia Community College.
Academic Warning
Students who fail to attain a minimum GPA of 2.00 for any semester shall be placed on academic warning. Students on academic warning are encouraged to consult with their instructors and advisors, and take advantage of academic support services provided by the college.
Academic Probation
Students who fail to maintain a cumulative grade point average of 1.50 will be placed on academic probation until such time as the cumulative average is 1.75 or better. Students on probation are ineligible for appointed or elected office in any student organization unless special permission is granted by the Vice President of Academic & Student Services. Students may be required to carry less than a normal course load the following semester and will be required to consult with their advisor(s). Students shall be placed on probation only after they have attempted 12 semester credits.
Academic Suspension
Students on academic probation who fail to attain a semester GPA of 1.50 will be placed on suspension only after they have attempted 24 semester credits. Academic suspension shall be for one semester. Students who are placed on academic suspension and wish to appeal should follow the appeal process established by the college. Suspended students may be reinstated at the conclusion of the suspension period by following the process established by the college.
Students who have been reinstated from academic suspension must achieve a 2.00 GPA for the semester of their reinstatement and must earn at least a 1.75 GPA in each subsequent semester of attendance. Students who have been reinstated from academic suspension will remain subject to dismissal until the cumulative GPA is raised to a minimum of 1.75. Reinstated students may be required to carry less than a normal course load the following semester and are required to consult with their advisor(s).
Academic Dismissal
Students who do not attain at least a 2.00 GPA for the semester of reinstatement following academic suspension shall be academically dismissed. Students who achieve at least a 2.00 GPA for the semester of their reinstatement following academic suspension must earn at least a 1.75 GPA in each subsequent semester of enrollment. Failure to attain a 1.75 GPA in each subsequent semester until the cumulative GPA reaches 1.75 shall result in academic dismissal. Academic dismissal is typically permanent. In exceptional circumstances, students may appeal and be reinstated by following the process established by the college. Students who have been reinstated after academic dismissal will remain subject to dismissal until their cumulative GPA is raised to a minimum of 1.75. Reinstated students may be required to carry less than a normal course load the following semester and are required to consult with their advisor(s).
Academic Renewal
Students who return to the College after a separation of five (5) years/60 months or more may petition for academic renewal. To qualify for academic renewal a student must receive a GPA of 2.5 or higher for the first twelve credits (not counting developmental courses) after they return to college. If a student is determined to be eligible for academic renewal, “D” and “F” grades earned prior to re-enrollment will not be used in the cumulative and curriculum grade point average (GPA), subject to certain conditions. Courses, where the student received a “D” previously, cannot be used for graduation. The request must be in writing and submitted to the Office of Admissions and Records. Once granted by the College, academic renewal cannot be revoked.
Dean’s List and Honor’s List
The Dean’s List and the Honor’s List are compiled at the end of each term. To earn Dean’s List status, a student must have completed twelve (12) or more credits and earned a grade point average of 3.20. To earn Honor’s List status, a student must be enrolled for at least six (6) credit hours and attain a grade point average of at least 3.50. Developmental course work will not be included in fulfillment of the twelve hours requirement for the Dean’s List and the six hours required for Honor’s List.
All new students should meet with a Student Success Advisor in career and program exploration and placement, academic planning, connection to resources, and course registration. A Faculty Advisor based on program of study and a Student Success Advisor will be assigned to the student by the Coordinator of Advising or Admissions.
College students may receive the following grade marks:
A |
Excellent |
4 |
B |
Good |
3 |
C |
Average |
2 |
D |
Below Average |
1 |
F |
Failing |
0 |
I |
Incomplete |
0 |
P |
Pass |
0 |
R |
Re-enroll |
0 |
S |
Satisfactory |
0 |
U |
Unsatisfactory |
0 |
W |
Withdrawal |
0 |
X |
Audit (no credit) |
0 |
Classes have assigned credit hours and each grade has set quality points, with the exception of developmental courses. To determine the grade point average, divide the number of grade points earned by the number of credits taken. For example:
Example Course |
Grade |
Quality Points |
Multiply |
Credits |
Equals |
Total Quality Points |
Welding 21 |
A |
4 |
X |
3 |
= |
12 |
Welding 51 |
B |
3 |
X |
3 |
= |
9 |
Welding 14 |
B |
3 |
X |
2 |
= |
6 |
Mech 46 |
C |
2 |
X |
2 |
= |
4 |
English 01 |
S |
0 |
X |
0 |
= |
0 |
SDV 108 |
B |
3 |
X |
1 |
= |
3 |
Drafting 76 |
F |
0 |
X |
2 |
= |
0 |
Totals |
13 |
34 |
34 divided by 13 = Semester GPA of 2.615
Grades are available online via MySouthwest in SIS at the end of each semester.
Incomplete Grades
An “I” grade means incomplete course work. The student must complete the course requirements for the removal of the “I” grade prior to the end of the following semester. The “I” grade will change to a “F” grade if the course work is not completed by the stated date. In order to be eligible to receive an “I” grade, students have to complete at least 60% of the required coursework.
Students are expected to take final examinations at the regularly scheduled times. No exceptions will be made without the permission of the instructor of the course and the Vice President of Academic & Student Services.
Enrollment Status
The Associate of Art and Associate of Science (AA&AS) degrees or the Associate of Applied Science (AAS) degrees require the completion of 60-69 credits with a minimum grade point average of 2.00. A student will be considered full time if they enrolls in 12 or more credits, three-quarter time if enrolled in 9-11 credits, and half-time if enrolled in 6-8 credits.
Canceled Classes
There may be times when a course may be cancelled from the schedule due to low enrollment. If this occurs, students will receive an email via their student account from the academic division office. Students should follow up with Financial Aid to verify how a change in their enrollment status affects their financial aid package or create a situation where they may owe money back to the institution. In addition, students should contact their Student Success Advisor or Faculty Advisor to discuss how this change affects their timing and plan for program completion.
Student Course Load
The normal academic course load is 15-17 credit hours. The minimum full-time load is 12 credit hours and the normal maximum full-time load is 18 credit hours, excluding College Survival Skills (SDV 100). A minimum of two hours of study and preparation is normally needed for each hour of regular classroom work. Additional credit hours may be achieved through credit by experience, examination, or taken as an overload if appropriate and approved. Students placed on academic warning or academic probation may be required to take less than the normal course load.
Maximum Attempts Per Course
A student may repeat courses previously taken in an attempt to earn a higher grade; however, repeats in most courses shall be limited to one, unless approved by the Vice President of Academic & Student Services or division dean. When students repeat a course, the grade of the last attempt will be used for the cumulative grade point average and for satisfying curriculum requirements. However, all courses taken and the grades received will be reflected on the student’s record. It should be noted that some senior institutions count all hours attempted and all quality points earned. Also, some types of financial aid do not cover repeat course attempts; the student should check with the Office of Financial Aid to determine his/her status.
Military Reinstatement
Pursuant to 23-9.6:2 of the Code Virginia and corresponding SCHEV Guidelines, Southwest Virginia Community College provides for the tuition relief, refund, and reinstatement of students whose service in the uniformed services has required their sudden withdrawal or prolonged absence from their enrollment. Service in the uniformed services is defined as service (whether voluntary or involuntary) on active duty in the Armed Forces, including such service by a member of the National Guard or Reserve, for a period of more than 30 days under call or order to active duty of more than 30 days. The College provides for the following:
Tuition and Required Fees
Should a student be ordered to active duty (for reservists) or be mobilized (active military) as described in the Code of Virginia Section 23-9.6:2, and the State Council’s Virginia Tuition Relief, Refund, and Reinstatement Guidelines, and they requests to be withdrawn with no refund and assigned a grade of “W”.
The College will provide, at the option of the student, for such refunds to be retained and to be applicable to tuition and fees charged in the semester or term in which the student returns to study.
The College will process refunds for textbooks according to established refund policies of the College Bookstore.
Academic Credits and Grades
Students who are called to active duty or are mobilized, meaning serving in the uniformed services, as described in Virginia Tuition Relief, Refund, and Reinstatement Guidelines should have the opportunity to receive an incomplete grade (“I”) until released from active duty (for reservists) or mobilization (for active Military personnel). All course requirements shall be completed within one year from the release from active duty or mobilization.
Students may be given the option of taking their examinations prior to regularly scheduled times as an exception to VCCS policy 5.6.1 in accordance with the Virginia Tuition Relief, Refund, and Reinstatement Guidelines.
Students who are called to active duty or are mobilized will be assured a reasonable opportunity to be reinstated in the same program of study without having to reapply for admission if they return to the College after a cumulative absence of not more than five years so long as the student provides notice of intent to return to the institution not later than three years after the completion of the period of service. If student does not register for courses within three years of last enrollment, they will need to reapply for admission.